I had a blog, when I was trying to find my fortune as a budding entrepreneur. I was a bit of what's called an "abysmal failure", but I blogged about my tribes and tribulations in that pursuit.
I really enjoyed blogging though, and made some online friends in the process. After being figuratively beaten down and left for dead, I find myself gun shy in the whole entrepreneur dream, and happier with my line up in the rat race. It's comfortable here in rat-race-land, with my warm blankey. So I've been left stuck with no subject to blog about. No meat for my potatoes, if you will. No up for my down, no Tom for my Jerry, no Doritos for my peanut butter sandwich (like you don't eat it that way).
So after being referred to a hucking fillarious post by my friend fishy girl, the inspiration hit me to blog about whatever the hell I feel like, whenever the heck I feel like doing it. I thought about calling my blog "mindless ramblings of a fat guy" but after reading another post on the redneckmommy's blog where she referred to a "fat man in a bunny suit", I thought "THAT'S IT!" like Lucy telling Shroeder he was playing the right version of Jingle Bells.
So here I am, blogging anew. I have a feeling I'll blog often, but as they say, assholes are paved with good intentions ... or something. Be forewarned though. If I wind up finding it funny that a skin tag on my nut sack that resembles Abraham Lincoln, I'm going to post about it.
Also note, "Fat Guy in a Bunny Suit" is a self deprecating title, I'm cool with that. But following fishy girl's example, I need names to refer to my kiddos, but fat boy and fat girl ... not good names. Fishy girl uses "Nemo", "Sunny" and the like. Suggestions are welcome.
A Few Words On Healthcare
2 months ago
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